Thursday, December 28, 2006

The presents are late, but I can explain...

I have this great friend whom I love, and, while I was out of town in October, I impulsively bought her a gift that I planned to send for Christmas. I patted myself on the back, thinking: I'm way ahead on the X-mas shopping and I'm a wonderful, brilliant friend.

The present was a great pair of antique-looking chandelier-style green crystal earrings that I found in a shop in the French Quarter in New Orleans. They're handmade, unique, and perfect if you're going to a flapper party. Unfortunately, my friend very rarely finds herself in 1922 these days. ;) So right before I was set to mail them, I really looked at them. And I thought...this color would go great with L's hair, but they're a little big. They actually dangle quite far, don't they? Let me try them on. Holy cow...shoulder skimming? Have I ever seen L wearing anything remotely as large as this? And the defensive part of me answered: Well, I actually haven't seen all her jewelry. She might wear spectacularly gigantic earrings when I'm not around.

After a few minutes, I had to admit they were perfect Alexa earrings, but maybe not so perfect Ms. L earrings. So, now as the presents arrive for me, I'm left feeling guilty and stressed at the thought of trying to Christmas shop when I really want to be focused on New Year's. Arg! But I love her, so I'm going to the village shops today.

A word to the wise...impulse buying is better when purchasing things for one's self. On the upside though, I have a fabulous pair of new earrings for myself that will be perfect on New Year's Eve and, possibly, for a day of light shopping. Do antique earrings go well with jeans and charcoal v-neck sweater? And the impulsive part of Alexa says: As a matter of fact, they do. ;)


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